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Statistical analysis in 4 Chapter

Thesis 4 Chapter

In international law, to a large extent, the fourth chapter of each dissertation is dedicated to analyzing the data and information gathered by the researcher and usually includes an introduction, a descriptive analysis section of the data, and an inferential analysis section of the data. In the introduction, the importance of Chapter 4 is often discussed, and what software is used for statistical analysis, and it may be that the researcher believes that there is an escape to the issues raised in other chapters of the thesis (chapters 1 to 3) But in the descriptive analysis section of chapter 4, the researcher describes his collected data and information using tables and statistical charts and uses a series of descriptive indicators such as frequency, percent, cumulative percent, mean, variance, mean And ... uses scientific data and information to describe it scientifically.
The next section, which is the inferential analysis of the dissertation, examines research hypotheses. Inferential analysis of the dissertation is appropriate for the type of research, type of data and assumptions. Different statistical techniques are used, and the best statistical software is also suitable for the chosen method. Is selected. The best statistical software here is software that has the so-called highest statistical power. In the definition of statistical power, the statistical power here is the computational accuracy and ease of statistical analysis. In the following diagrams, the most widely used statistical analysis software of the US academic dissertations over the last ten years is presented and in the next diagram, the most widely used statistical method is used.
Because it is not expected from researchers of various scientific disciplines, techniques, methods, and statistical software as dominant as a statistician can master - especially when complex hardware and software are required The researcher will assist in the statistical analysis of his data and information from a statistician, and the statistician will act as an advisor and co-investigator, and will increase the result of the work of the researcher in a certain way.